You can be addicted to a certain kind of sadness...

I am currently listening to "Somebody That I Used to Know" by Gotye. Lately, it has been a favorite. 

I haven't posted in quite a while, but I think it's because I have been so busy :/ I am off today, so besides homework, I can be your blogging bitch.

Last Saturday (3/10/12) was Everett's benefit and it went really well! I got there at 11:00 am and didn't leave until 9:00pm. I had a really great time spending the day with his family and friends for him. After that, I started my ridiculous work week... 

Brad and I (AND SHANNON) are currently looking for our own place, but we're looking for the riiiiight one! Hmm, what else? Brad got into a car accident about a week ago; he hit 2 deer. Well, he hit ONE deer and the other ran into the side of him. I saw his little Mini Cooper for the first time last night and I must say... it was a sad little sight. 

Today, I plan on doing serious laundry, homework, going on a walk, and doing some crafty things. Maybe seeing some awesome people :) This Thursday I have another Civil Service exam for a job! A state job! Cross your fingers for me... I really really really really want it! Because of my schooling, I am qualified, so it excites me. As much as I hate these online classes.. they are paying off! 

Well, in order to get my day going... I need to get off of this blog. Peace!
