30 days of Thanks

Hello, hello, hello. I was at work thinking about this giving thanks for something every day of November. It is a pretty nifty idea... something I picked up from my wonderful friend, Lacy : ) So, what if we take this month and every day out of it to give thanks for something or someone? Way too often we focus on the bad things surrounding us vs. all of the good things we have in our lives and should be thankful for. We are all very guilty of this. Sometimes, it does not take much to bring down our entire day. There is so much I am thankful for, so I want to take this one month and every day of it, to tell you. What are you thankful for? Comment on this blog :)


  1. November 3rd: Today I am thankful for my boyfriend who saved the slip grip fish on the bottom of the bathtub from "swimming down the drain" and putting him on the shower wall :)

  2. November 4th: Today, Nov. 4th: Even though it is a Friday, I have a ton of homework, and I have to work tonight... I am thankful to be employed (with awesome coworkers) when there are so many people that are unemployed.

  3. November 5th: Today, I am thankful for my dogs, Maddie and Ralph. They are the best cuddle buddies with unconditional love :)

  4. November 6th: Today, I am thankful for my mother. It is easy to take our mothers for granted because they are always there...until they are not. She would do anything she possibly could for me. I love you, Mom : )


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