"And when you take, you take the very best of me." Ohhh, I love me some Taylor Swift. That little lyric is from her song "Cold As You" if you're interested. She has been my playlist lately. Not sure if that has anything to do with the fact that her newest album RED comes out in 2 days!?

I've had a mass amount of me time today, so that's when I get all of these thoughts. Especially when I start listening to music and things. Anyway, my main thought was that I love my best friends. I feel that over the last few months I have become closer with all of them and I love that so much. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. They're my sisters; my soul mates. I know that relationships will come and go, but they are always going to be by my side. I also know that I have written similar blogs to this one, but if you love someone... there is nothing wrong with reminding them, right? The thought of them not being in my life actually hurts my heart. I know that I don't get around to all of them as much as I would like to, but they have a part of my heart that no one else will ever have. <3
