Can you spare some change?

AND. This would be blog #2. I am wondering when I will get bored of blogging and stop all together? I am sure that will be a disappointment to all of my readers. *laughing* Today was pretty eventful...that rarely happens. Brad and I spent the day in Seattle, while Ralph & Maddie went to their Lacy's (big thanks to her!) and got to spend a fun-filled day outdoors!

Seattle was almost like a miniature New York City with A LOT less taxis and crazies. We started out at Pike's Place Market, made our way to the Water Front, ended up going to the North Face, Borders (two stories!), Columbia, and finished off our day with a meal at Hard Rock Cafe. Like my experience in New York City, we also had to experience a man asking us for money for...weed! He just came right out and said it. It always makes me "omg", and then again, not entirely surprised by the crazies.

The worst part of the day is when I was screaming at Brad. Ugh. I am horrible. I hate screaming. I don't like being screamed at. I was screaming because he was being a jerk-face. I need to release anger in other places...not at his face. I felt like a crazy lady. It is so funny, to me. He likes to show his ass sometimes and be a jerk and I scream in his face. It amazes me...the things you put up with when you love someone.

We have 11 more days until Brad puts his transfer in to switch back to the Jacksonville Wal-Mart. The wait is almost unbearable. I love Washington, a lot! It is even sad to leave, but it is not home. All though some people are very special to me and have made this place my 2nd home : ) Something I don't understand. The most popular question I have been getting asked when people hear I am moving back to Illinois... "Is Brad coming with you?" OF COURSE he is. We have been together for almost 3 years now. We are kind of like a package deal :)

Well, I am getting tired and slightly hungry. All though, it is too late to even THINK about eating. I have a phone date with my "be fri"! I promise I will start writing about interesting topics sometime soon. I would REALLY love to start getting comments and stirring the air! I love a good topic with a good debate! Until next time!
