Brighter than the sun..

*sigh* I spent like a solid minute alone thinking of a title for this bad boy and I end up picking a damn song title, W.T.F!?


Tonight at work I read a Facebook friend's status about 2012 and how they cannot wait for it to get here because it is going to be the best year. I don't know what it was, but something struck in me and I also decided right then and there that it WAS in fact, going to be the best year. Basically, I am determined to make 2012 my bitch. Unless of course I do not receive Sex and the City (the second movie) for Christmas.. then, I might as well kiss 2012 goodbye. No, but in all seriousness... I'm ready for 2012. I told my boyfriend (Brad) just today that I really want to go out for the New Year. We RARELY go out. (okay, so I never leave the house) I do not necessarily believe in all the hub bub about 2012 being the last year for the human race.. or whatever, but I just want to live everyday like it is my last. I see a lot of people experience unfortunate events in their lives and it saddens me. I have been fortunate enough to experience very few mishaps. However, 2011 was a completely shitty year for me. I think 2011 just had it out for me. Period. I really want to put some things in my past and really start working for myself and my life. I wish and hope that everyone can do that.. whatever their new year's resolution may be. Now, I just feel like I am rambling... blah. I spend a lot of time worrying and thinking of how I could be better or be like someone else, but why? Is all that worry and such going to transform me into say... Taylor Swift? Hells to the fuckin' no. So, I want to be happy I am me. Inside and out. I think that is the hardest accomplishment for any one person. We are constantly focusing on what we aren't instead of what we are. The other day, I found myself listening to "Brighter Than the Sun" by Colbie Callait and I was dancing. Me, dancing. AND, I was really enjoying myself. So much that I kept playing it over and over and working on my "dance moves", ahaha. I realized in that moment, I was happy and that my life could be worse... much worse. I'm so determined to be happy with everything life has handed me and I promise to start now, but REALLY REALLY start in 2012.

What is your New Year's Resolution?
Are there things you want to change..?

I promise to be better. Better for myself, my family, and my friends. To be active and try and eat healthy. To listen to music every single day because it makes me happy. ...

I'll think of more along the way.. well..before 2012, but that's for now :))
