I need to be doing that, but I'm doing this.

If you're reading this, tell me... did my title reel you in? Haha. No, no lady in White Hall won 1,000,000 on a scratch off ticket. Sorry, hah. 

Really, it's just a beautiful day and I felt like writing. However, what I really need to be doing is homework, so I can go outside and enjoy the nice weather AND have no homework to do tomorrow when I go see Lori! Initially I had some really good thoughts, which is why I even decided to write, but somehow they slipped my mind. Ah..

One thing, or person should I say, that I wanted to write about was Everett. Not so much him, but the different reactions that I have heard that kind of disgust me in a way. It has only been a few people, but still... Any of you that know Ev, know how he passed away, but to most of us (like myself) it does not matter because he was still Everett. I have heard people say, "Why in the world would he do something like that!?" .. Another person said, "It was bound to happen." There have also made his death seem not as sad as people are making it out to be? I'm not sure how to word that exactly. Just because he did not leave this world due to natural causes, etc. does not mean it is any less sad,... because it is absolutely heart breaking. He left unexpectedly at 21 years old. Please, do not tell me that is is less heart-breaking than anyone else that has passed away. Because believe me, he was JUST as loved and will just just as missed as the person that died of natural causes. AND, the people that knew him and feel the hurt of losing him, probably hurt as much as you did if you have ever lost someone. The point is, people need to think before they speak. 

Now that that mini rant is done, I think I'll start my homework. Blegh :/ 
