This is going to be a blog pretty similar to all of the others, so you have been warned. I also write "personal" things and how I actually feel, whether I really should provide this to the public or not...
As much of a turn my life took over a month ago, I find it hard to be upset; hence the title of this blog. I was going through pictures on my phone from the past few weeks and 75% of those pictures and fabulous times would not have happened. In this case, I guess you have to take the good with the bad. I enjoyed almost every passing moment with him in our relationship, but there is a sense of "free" that I feel and there are things I no longer have to worry about. That being said, I miss him all of the time. Not really the relationship aspect, but he was one of my very best friends. While I do not think that is completely thrown away, it has definitely been put on hold until further notice. It is true what Marilyn Monroe said.. "I believe everything happens for a reason. People change so we can learn to let go, things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." That quote of hers pretty much hits the nail on the head. My relationship was good, but I truly believe better things are happening now. One thing I want to mention is that I was able to reconnect with one of my best friends and thankfully, we were able to pick up right where we left off. She has been a part of my life for at least 9 years and really, like the rest of my best friends, I do not know what I would do without her in my life. This past month has made me realize how special friends are and how important it is to hold onto them. They have all pulled me through and without them, I would have spent these past days just laying around the house and drowning in sadness.
Onto fun and less serious things. Last night we went out for one of my guy friends birthdays and it was a flippin' ball, ... once we found a place we could have a flippin' ball at. We started out at the Reagle Beagle and it really wasn't happening, but the food was good. Then, we managed to make our way to a block party and from there it took off. I am very happy that I was able to be there to celebrate his birthday! :)
Today I went on a bike ride, almost wrecked on Main Street, and managed to sweat my entire face off, but alas, I made it home safe and sound. Now, all I want to do is take a shower, eat some burgers cooked on the grill, and relax with the family.
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