Yankee Doodle went to town riding on a....

Happy 1st of July, everyone! I cannot even believe it is July already...where does the time go? 

I am sitting in bed thinking about life things and how topsy-turvy-upside down my life has been for the past few weeks. I could not have gotten through a second of each day without the closest people in my life and you all know who you are. This is just one of the many curve balls life is going to throw at me and I am ready to play the game. I believe there is a "plan" for everyone and you can either choose to fight it or make the best of it. I am making the best of it. When you go through a lifestyle changed, such as a person removing themselves from your life, I think you automatically think of the future and how messed up your plans are. At least, that is what I did and it had me completely devastated. But, I had a very special friend tell me to not focus on the future, but to focus on today and tomorrow. Eventually, you will go through so many todays and tomorrows that you will be living your future plans. Maybe not the way you had intended/expected, but the way it is supposed to be. I think a lot of people look back at their past and "regret" the things they have done and how it could all be avoided, but really, it doesn't work that way. I do not regret a single experience, decision, or person in my life and I am not sure that I ever will. (Unless of course I get the chance to meet Tyson Ritter and pass it up.) 

Mainly, this blog was meant to give a shout out to the "heroes" in my life. For being there for me when I didn't think I could physically get out of bed and thought I could never face the world again. For letting me know how great of a person that I am and never letting me forget it. For supporting my decisions and letting me know when I am being too irrational. For checking up on me each day to make sure that I'm okay. For letting me cry on your shoulder or in your face. For letting me rant about all the bullshit life has thrown at me. And for so many more things... But, most importantly, just being there period. This is the time for me to brag about the people in my life that I know I could not live without. You are all so very special and one of a kind to me and you just need to know how much I cherish you. I love you, guys.
