Sista, Sista.

It has been brought to my attention that today is National Siblings Day. I may only have one blood related sibling, but I have other "siblings" by choice; a shit ton of sisters. Since today is their day, let me tell you about these fabulous people...

Honey Bunches of Oats; I'm so thankful for the combining of White Hall and Roodhouse in the 6th grade because our friendship started sometime on that timeline. She is truly my go-to girl; my bestie. We know how to have a great time together of course, but it seems that when times are the hardest, we are closer than ever and I love that. Even when she may be having the worst day, she can still manage to try and lift my spirits. I think we understand each other in a way that a lot of other people don't. She has such a big heart. I want her to know that she's beautiful and I love her.

Amby; I am not sure where my friendship with this one started, but I *think* it arrived in a study hall in Jr. High. We have went through periods of not speaking, but always manage to drift back together. Anytime I want to rip someone a new one, she is the first person I go to. She will join right in on it. Actually, if I am feeling like being mean about anything, she will be right by my side and I love her for that. I can't get to mushy about this one because that is not what we are about. I will say... "I've had the time of my life fighting dragons with you..".

Shannon; We were neighbors for years, but Main Street aided in our coming closer. I don't even know why I am writing about her because she is a complete asshole. Just kidding. She is one of the best listeners. Whenever I am searching for great life advice, I turn to her and I know she will try to dish up some of the best words. Without a doubt, she is one of the most loyal people that I know. Never ever have I met someone or had a friendship with someone where we appreciate being assholes to each other. It's wonderful and fantastic.

Sam; I couldn't be more thankful about someone getting hurt. If she had not messed up her knee back in Jr. High, we probably would not have become great friends. My concert addiction started with her and I owe her a big ole thank you for that one. Out of all of my friends, she is the one who understands when I am searching for more out of life. When I look back on High School, which were some of the greatest years of my life, she is in damn near every memory; every great memory. When last relationship ended, she was there in my face making sure that I got out and about to take my mind off of things and she probably has no idea how much that means to me. She has moved away to go to school and follow her dreams of becoming more and I am so proud of her for being able to do that. 

Misty; When I moved to Greene County back in 3rd grade, she was my very first friend. She came up to me and simply said, "Do you want to be friends?". Hands down, this girl has one of the best hearts. If you need something, she will try to find a way to make it happen or at least make it better. She has been in my life for the past 14 years and I know she is going to be in my life until one of us croaks. 

I love you all very, very much and I cannot fathom not having any of you in my life. You have all made a huge impact and been there through the good and bad and I know none of you will ever bail. Blood or not, you are my sisters <3
