I have to be at work in about 20 minutes or so, but I really wanted to say the things I need to say...
Newsflash: Just because you give a child life means nothing if you do not stand behind the true meaning of being a parent.
From my own perspective:
I feel like I have spent most of my life being a burden to my parents. It's not that I don't think they love me because I think that they do, but it feels more like one of those... "I gave you life... so, I love you." As a parent, I feel that you should always put your child and their best interests first... before anything. I struggle a lot with the stress of my own parents and for those of you that personally know them or me, you already know why for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents.. they gave me life and if not for them, I wouldn't be living the life I am living and I truly love my life and the person that I have turned out to be. There are a few minor kinks, but those are just speed bumps in life. However, I have decided that I am done with the feeling that I owe them something; that guilty feeling. Sure, that may sound harsh to some of you, but for those of you that have been in my position, you a know exactly how I feel. I may not be a mother/parent, but I cannot wait to be one. It is one of my life goals and even just the thought of putting my child in harm's way... makes my heart hurt. I've spent a lot of time letting them get the best of me, but it has to stop because it is unfair to myself. They are grown adults and I cannot take care of their mistakes anymore. I've come too close to paying for their mistakes before. Then, I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it, but now I can. Dealing with this is one of the most helpless feelings that you could ever have. I'm 22 and I've just come to the realization that if they haven't changed by now ... after everything ... they are never going to change.
I owe a huge thank you to the people that have been in my life as parental figures and mothers. They are truly amazing people and they probably don't get enough credit or even realize how much they have helped me in my life. I have witnessed what it is to put your children first and words cannot even explain how wonderful these ladies are as mothers.
My grandparents also deserve a huge thank you because they are the true heroes in my life. They never questioned taking care of my brother and I. They were done raising their children and took on two more. I really couldn't imagine and I could never repay them.
Really, the whole point of this blog was to just let parents know that children are special. A whole lot more special than I think people can even fathom. Parents, you are your child's superhero. Forget about Spiderman, Batman, or Superman... they don't compare. Your child will spend a lot of their days looking for you to save them and when you don't come to "save" them, they are going to save themselves.
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