It only took me 4 months...

I've been wanting to write a blog for about 4 months now, but I could never come up with anything decent #writersblockproblems. 

Minus the cranky moods that all women get from time to time - I have been pretty happy. A lot of that has to do with myself, but it's also because of my new job and my boyfriend. 

It's still all crazy to me because if someone had told me 10 months ago that I would be this happy now... I probably would have laughed in their face. I was definitely convinced that the world was ending (a little dramatic, I know I know.) However, I consider myself pretty logical, so I knew the time would come around at some point or another. 

The summer with my friends was my absolute savior and I learned a lot more about myself and making ME happy. In October I met my boyfriend, Danny and things got even better. Considering the fact that I had partially convinced myself that I would probably never find anyone like the person I was with before - it was a pleasant surprise to discover he was even better. Nearly 6 months of being together and I cannot imagine my heart belonging to anyone else. He never forgets to remind me that I'm amazing (sometimes we all need that) - he's my better half. I really could go on forever about my bearded man ;)

In November I applied for a position at Blue Cross Blue Shield in Jacksonville and in December I found out that I got the job. I actually cried when I got the phone call - I'm a little emotional sometimes, ha ha. I officially started work there at at the beginning of January and so far I really love it and I love all of the people I work with. 

A year ago I was working a dead-end job at a sub shop, in a dead-end relationship, and just getting by. It is amazing how things can change in just a year - for the absolute better. I guess that's where this was going. I know that sometimes people go through really rough things and they think they will never see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it's there. It's not always easy to get there, but that's because it's happiness and sometimes you really have to fight for happiness - it isn't just going to happen. (I wish it were that easy). I had days where I really had to give myself a pep talk to just get out of bed. If you're going through your own kind of hell - I cannot tell you when it will get better, but I can promise it will get better if you try and you want it to get better. Just love yourself and appreciate the things you do have - don't focus on what's gone because well, it's gone. 
