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Showing posts from December, 2011

Brighter than the sun..

*sigh* I spent like a solid minute alone thinking of a title for this bad boy and I end up picking a damn song title, W.T.F!? Anywhosie. Tonight at work I read a Facebook friend's status about 2012 and how they cannot wait for it to get here because it is going to be the best year. I don't know what it was, but something struck in me and I also decided right then and there that it WAS in fact, going to be the best year. Basically, I am determined to make 2012 my bitch. Unless of course I do not receive Sex and the City (the second movie) for Christmas.. then, I might as well kiss 2012 goodbye. No, but in all seriousness... I'm ready for 2012. I told my boyfriend (Brad) just today that I really want to go out for the New Year. We RARELY go out. (okay, so I never leave the house) I do not necessarily believe in all the hub bub about 2012 being the last year for the human race.. or whatever, but I just want to live everyday like it is my last. I see a lot of people experie