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Showing posts from July, 2013

Seven and Eight, Keep 'em straight.

Do you ever wish you could go back and be seven or eight again? When things were a lot more simple and everyone else took care of things for you. When we didn't really have to worry about money, broken hearts, death, and all of the other yucky sticky stuff. I've been spending time with my seven and eight year old cousins lately and sometimes I'm just amazed at the simplicity. They simply just want to have fun and there are no other cares in the world. My seven year old cousin, she just wants to lay around with me - follow me everywhere and just talk and do fun things like listen to music or do our nails. My other cousin, he's eight and he just wants to play Super Nintendo all of the time and make silly jokes.  As we're growing up - we just want to keep growing up.. we can't wait until we can be out on our own. But, we really aren't fully aware of what's waiting for us on the other side - the grown up side. I personally love watching my cousins be kid