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Showing posts from October, 2012

Anything safe isn't worth the drive...

I've spent my morning talking to one of my best friends and it's been semi-decent serious talking times, so I thought... "Hey, this may be blog material."  Anyway, we were talking about settling in a relationship. It is not something that I look down on because it is so common and it happens without even realizing that you are doing it. For me, personally, that is what I did in my previous relationship. I gave my all and was willing to give even more to someone who was only meeting me half way. I was very aware of what was happening, but I would butter it up and then forget about it until something happened again. Do not get me wrong, we had this great friendship - we were best friends an we were the couple that people liked being around, but behind closed doors, the relationship aspect of it all was sort of... toxic. Again, do not get me wrong, had he never ended it, I would still be with him, but I was never strong enough to end it when I should have; I was settl

In the raw.

"Darling it was good, never looking down, and right there where we stood...was holy ground." That's a lyric from one of Taylor's newest songs on her new album Red. << Obviously that's all I can talk about lately. I told you before, she has been my playlist. I cannot escape. Save yourselves. Anyway, that lyric has significant meaning to this blog. Or, at least that was my hope when I started writing this blog.  When you start a new relationship... when is it okay to let your guard down and let the feelings fly? Do you just go with the flow of things or are there rules? See, I've met this guy. I have gotten to know this great guy that I know I could love. Have any of you ever felt that feeling? Not actually being in love, but meeting/getting to know someone that you know you could love? It's wonderful and scary at the same time, but I am pretty sure that's a normal feeling. Then again, what the hell do I know? I am trying to straighten out my
"And when you take, you take the very best of me." Ohhh, I love me some Taylor Swift. That little lyric is from her song "Cold As You" if you're interested. She has been my playlist lately. Not sure if that has anything to do with the fact that her newest album RED comes out in 2 days!? I've had a mass amount of me time today, so that's when I get all of these thoughts. Especially when I start listening to music and things. Anyway, my main thought was that I love my best friends. I feel that over the last few months I have become closer with all of them and I love that so much. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. They're my sisters; my soul mates. I know that relationships will come and go, but they are always going to be by my side. I also know that I have written similar blogs to this one, but if you love someone... there is nothing wrong with reminding them, right? The thought of them not being in my life actually hurts my he

State of Grace

"I don't know if this makes sense, but you're my Hallelujah." Yep. I may or may not be a Beiber lover. Nah, I totally am. I'm dancing to his newest song "As Long As You Love Me" and totally jamming out. Anyway, I have been trying to write another blog and I've had some serious writer's block quite frankly my dears, it's been pissing me off. Writing just makes me feel a lot better, no matter what mood I'm in. I'm just an emotional little lady, ha ha. I've had a great day today really. No major complaints besides the fact that Zumba was canceled, but that is so minor. I went on a walk instead and the weather was absolutely beautiful. I appreciate beautiful days so very much. Earlier a friend of mine informed me that one of his friends passed away and that brought back all of the feelings of January and June. For anyone that reads my blog, especially my friends, you know that we lost a great person in January. Everett is missed b

Mona Lisa smiles...

I feel like I have so much to write about this morning, but you just watch, once I start writing, it will be "blah". Let's hope not. FLASHBACK!  September 29, 2012 -This day was easily one of the best days. I worked all day, so I made that $$. Then, I come home to find a piece of mail from the hospital telling me that my bill for my bicycle injuries was 100% wrote off with the charity care. That evening was the concert. What concert you ask? The free All-American Rejects concert! It was put on my Charter Communications at Soldier Memorial for the Taste of St. Louis and it was absolutely wonderful. We got there like 2.5 hours early, so obviously we (My brother and his friends) managed to get a spot right at the front of the stage (it was standing). The show was already amazing, then Tyson (lead singer) decided to come into the crowd and slowly, he made his way to where we were standing... THEN, he sat right next to me and sang the song "Mona Lisa", which j