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Showing posts from September, 2012

Sista, Sista.

It has been brought to my attention that today is National Siblings Day. I may only have one blood related sibling, but I have other "siblings" by choice; a shit ton of sisters. Since today is their day, let me tell you about these fabulous people... Honey Bunches of Oats; I'm so thankful for the combining of White Hall and Roodhouse in the 6th grade because our friendship started sometime on that timeline. She is truly my go-to girl; my bestie. We know how to have a great time together of course, but it seems that when times are the hardest, we are closer than ever and I love that. Even when she may be having the worst day, she can still manage to try and lift my spirits. I think we understand each other in a way that a lot of other people don't. She has such a big heart. I want her to know that she's beautiful and I love her. Amby; I am not sure where my friendship with this one started, but I *think* it arrived in a study hall in Jr. High. We have went thro

Love the life you live; Live the life you love.

It's been almost one whole month since my last post. Whoa. I have had very few exciting things happen since then, but I am sitting in my room with all of these thoughts that no one cares about, but myself, so it is time to write. Warning: These thoughts are going to bounce from one wall to the next. Thought #1: I don't know a whole lot about blessings, but if they are the real deal, then I have been blessed a mass amount in my life. Mainly with the people in my life. Hands down, they are some of the most precious little creatures. I know I can call up any one of my best friends for whatever reason and they will listen to me. I am so thankful for that and I have no idea how I landed these people. Three months ago when I thought my entire world was coming to an end (dramatic, I know), they were there. They are the people that made the situation something bad THAT happened in my life, instead of something bad that IS happening in my life. I also want to mention my job and my c