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Showing posts from July, 2012

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

This is going to be a blog pretty similar to all of the others, so you have been warned. I also write "personal" things and how I actually feel, whether I really should provide this to the public or not... As much of a turn my life took over a month ago, I find it hard to be upset; hence the title of this blog. I was going through pictures on my phone from the past few weeks and 75% of those pictures and fabulous times would not have happened. In this case, I guess you have to take the good with the bad. I enjoyed almost every passing moment with him in our relationship, but there is a sense of "free" that I feel and there are things I no longer have to worry about. That being said, I miss him all of the time. Not really the relationship aspect, but he was one of my very best friends. While I do not think that is completely thrown away, it has definitely been put on hold until further notice. It is true what Marilyn Monroe said.. "I believe everything happe
“Happiness… we long for it; we work for it. But, every time we think we have it, it’s gone-like a soap bubble in a child’s eager grasp.” This is quote is from a little “Thank You” note that a customer left for me after I made her lunch. I was having one of those, “Life is never going to work in my favor!” kind of days, so it really helped. The fact is: life is never going to work completely in our favor because we always expect too much; from everything and everyone; ourselves included. I am not exactly sure that we really set ourselves up for failure, but pretty close. We go to our jobs and we try our best with the idea that maybe eventually we will come out on top, but that is not always the case. We make friends and expect the kind of friendships we see in movies. We may like a person of the opposite sex and try to make that work, but that doesn’t always work out. Most of all, we expect love; a great love. Especially the kind of love we see in movies. However, movies are fake and

I'm the next Carrie Bradshaw.. ?!

"Cause even the stars..they burn. Some even fall to the Earth. We've got a lot to learn; God knows we're worth it."..."I had to learn what I got and what I'm not...and who I am." Obviously, I am currently listening to the song "I won't give up" by Jason Mraz because it is fantastic and it definitely deserves some quoting. My day wasn't TOO exciting, so that will be minimally talked of. It involves working, working, taking care of some critters and working. The end. I am running on very little sleep and even though falling into a coma was in my plans, I knew that after I got off work I would be too wired to sleep. That, and I still need to do some math homework, so I am not a completely horrible student. At this very moment I am thinking about how happy I am; with life and myself. I am not at all boasting because obviously there is always room for improvement, but I am happy and that means so much to me at this point in my life. I kn

Yankee Doodle went to town riding on a....

Happy 1st of July, everyone! I cannot even believe it is July already...where does the time go?  I am sitting in bed thinking about life things and how topsy-turvy-upside down my life has been for the past few weeks. I could not have gotten through a second of each day without the closest people in my life and you all know who you are. This is just one of the many curve balls life is going to throw at me and I am ready to play the game. I believe there is a "plan" for everyone and you can either choose to fight it or make the best of it. I am making the best of it. When you go through a lifestyle changed, such as a person removing themselves from your life, I think you automatically think of the future and how messed up your plans are. At least, that is what I did and it had me completely devastated. But, I had a very special friend tell me to not focus on the future, but to focus on today and tomorrow. Eventually, you will go through so many todays and tomorrows that you w