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Give Thanks.

This is shameful. I have not wrote a blog since July and I LOVE writing. As far as my personal life goes, a lot has happened I suppose. I got a promotion at work and that's going great, I moved out of my grandparents and into my own place, AND the boyfriend moved as well - no more long distance relationship for me after a long year. So, in retrospect, my life is going pretty great. It's crazy how time goes by and sometimes you think things will never work out and somehow they just do. I've waited a while for things to be at this point, so it's great. Now... onto other things. Today while I was working out I was thinking about how lucky I am because I am, I am damn lucky. For the most part, I have always been a happy person. Even during my shit-tastic childhood and some of the other shit-tastic things that have happening in my life, I always manage to find the good in everything and I absolutely love that about myself. Otherwise, I think I would be miserable. It's

Seven and Eight, Keep 'em straight.

Do you ever wish you could go back and be seven or eight again? When things were a lot more simple and everyone else took care of things for you. When we didn't really have to worry about money, broken hearts, death, and all of the other yucky sticky stuff. I've been spending time with my seven and eight year old cousins lately and sometimes I'm just amazed at the simplicity. They simply just want to have fun and there are no other cares in the world. My seven year old cousin, she just wants to lay around with me - follow me everywhere and just talk and do fun things like listen to music or do our nails. My other cousin, he's eight and he just wants to play Super Nintendo all of the time and make silly jokes.  As we're growing up - we just want to keep growing up.. we can't wait until we can be out on our own. But, we really aren't fully aware of what's waiting for us on the other side - the grown up side. I personally love watching my cousins be kid

Can we go back. This is the moment.

I'm sitting here thinking about how time flies and oh boy does it.  This Friday I am going to be 23 and I never pictured my life the way it is now.  About 5 years ago I was just graduating high school, wrapped up in friends, falling in love, and was going to SIUE in the fall to pursue my degree in Elementary education. I did go to SIUE, but only for a couple of months and ended up back home. Some of it was because I didn't care for the school and I think jumping right into college after graduating wasn't a good decision for me. But, I also know part of it was because I missed my friends back home...and the boyfriend. I don't at all regret my decision of leaving school, but my life would have been totally different had I stayed in. Over the next 4 years after leaving school I was here and there and everywhere trying to make a happy life for my boyfriend and myself - in my head it was really all about us and our happy ending. Whether I was happy or not, I was going

It only took me 4 months...

I've been wanting to write a blog for about 4 months now, but I could never come up with anything decent #writersblockproblems.  Minus the cranky moods that all women get from time to time - I have been pretty happy. A lot of that has to do with myself, but it's also because of my new job and my boyfriend.  It's still all crazy to me because if someone had told me 10 months ago that I would be this happy now... I probably would have laughed in their face. I was definitely convinced that the world was ending (a little dramatic, I know I know.) However, I consider myself pretty logical, so I knew the time would come around at some point or another.  The summer with my friends was my absolute savior and I learned a lot more about myself and making ME happy. In October I met my boyfriend, Danny and things got even better. Considering the fact that I had partially convinced myself that I would probably never find anyone like the person I was with before - it was a ple

2012 Re-Cap

I have read a lot of posts from people saying that 2012 was a great year, which is great for them, but for me personally, I had to get over really awful things to get to the really awesome things. In January, we lost a very great person - Everett - and that has been a very rough thing for all of us to deal with. Now it's been almost a year since he has been physically absent from our lives and that is hard to believe. Happy New Year from afar, Ev! I'll just say I drank some sparkling grape juice in your honor! In May I managed to remain in a relationship for a total of 4 years and that such a great accomplishment? I can't think of a better word. But, in June ON THE 12th, a week before my birthday, that relationship fizzled and I dramatically thought I was going to die, but it was for the better. I have experienced so many things - wonderful things - since then that I couldn't imagine being in that relationship. I would have missed out on so many things and events