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Showing posts from April, 2018

A Blender Without a Lid

Having two children is kind of like a blender without a lid. You are busy all the time and sometimes it's pure chaos. I never knew that I would love the cause of chaos and the chaos itself so much. <3 Since my last blog, we added another child into the mix. Our sweet baby girl, Meredith, was born in December. She was very much planned and took almost a year to conceive. I did NOT want another Winter baby, but that is what God had in mind for us. Thank you God, because she is perfect! Even though she was planned, I struggled a lot with "letting go" of my first baby and the idea of sharing my time. The very night we found out I was pregnant, I held Max in bed and cried and cried and thought "What in the world did we do!?" So many emotions as my pregnancy went on and things I worried about. My delivery with Max was horrific - was this going to be the same!? Turns out, on the day she was born all of those worries went out the door and now seemed so silly. My