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Showing posts from February, 2012

22 golden balloons...

I know the common question, "Why do these kind of things happen?" cannot be answered, but for once I wish it could be. You were such a damn good person. I have started feeling better about your passing and I thought today would be a day of celebrating your life with a hint of sadness, but there happens to be a lot of sadness. Honestly, I have the same feelings the week I had after your passing. I know we were not close, but I feel a lot of hurt... for you, your family, and anyone that loved and knew you; Anyone that you made smile. Tomorrow I am going to visit you for your birthday, but you will not be there physically and that scares me a little bit. I sure do hope you're doing swell wherever you are... Just always know that there are a lot of people that love you and miss you and always will.  P.S. Happy mothafuckin' golden birthday! 

Three words and birthdays.

Lime Green Headphones. Bahhhh. I wanted to go on a walk SO.STINKING.BAD, but I lost my headphones. I  actually THINK I lost them the other day at Subway. I pulled money out of my pocket and they must have fallen out of my pocket OR they could have fallen out when I took my jacket off. I'm trying to do more walking and these missing headphones are setting me back. I cannot walk without them because I get bored too easily. Kala and I are going out to eat dinner at Applebee's, so I plan on stopping at Wal-Mart afterwards to buy some new ones. I bet they won't be lime green, though. I have really been trying for a better lifestyle by cutting out soda (which is hard), cutting out sweets (also hard), and going on walks whenever I can. Hoo-rah! I started a new class today. It's called HSM/240 which is another Human Services class since I just finished and PASSED!!! HSM/220 and HSM/230. I'm not a fan of these classes, so I'll be extremely happy when this 9 week block

Just another post about Valentine's Day..

This is the fanciest text I could find for this post. I mean, it is Valentine's Day after all... Speaking of Valentine's Day; a lot of people have beef with it. Shit, I think I used to be one of those people once upon a time. All girls want a knight in shining armor to give her flowers and treats, but that's not always the case. I happen to be a very lucky girl who has had the same Valentine for the past 4 years. I consider him a pretty good guy. I used to think that a relationship will happen when it happens and in some cases, that is true, but it also takes some effort. I have been there and done it and you have to go through a lot of crap to find the right person sometimes. I am not the type of person that focuses on a relationship lasting "forever", but I know that our relationship is indefinite. Yeah, yeah... I'm writing about this just because it is Valentine's Day, but I love him just as much today as I did the other day when we had a huge argument.

Hard fact: Sometimes wishes never come true.

Apparently I have a lot of thoughts going through my head that are related to my blog title. Usually I do not like to share a lick of deep personal information with anyone, but like I have said before in many blogs... writing helps me. I think it is how I figure a lot of things out.  I am not going to say that my whole life has been complete crap, because it hasn't there are people that have it a lot worse off than I do. That being said, I will still not say it was fun; especially my younger years.  Many of you probably have at least ONE parent that tried to better your life because you are their child. I cannot really say that is the case for my parents and yes, it is sad, but it is something I have dealt with. I do not think I have actually ever REALLY written about this, but I am ready to. If I don't...I'm worried it will ruin my other relationships, or something. Before I start, I just want to say that I consider myself to be a damn good person. I carry good ethics a

I can feel it coming in the air tonight..

This is going to be the blog to win them all. I just got home from work a bit ago. While I was at work someone showed me a Facebook picture of some pregnant girl standing in front of the mirror taking a picture of herself while smoking a cigarette. She is about 18/19. Standing in front of the mirror. Smoking a cigarette. Oh wait..did I say that twice? Yeah..guess so, because it is so crazy. I have nothing against young girls getting pregnant as long as you can take care of your business. There is a problem with people these days and I cannot figure it out. I am sure it has been going on for quite some time, but now that I am older, I actually notice it. People like to blame it on their past and how they had to grow up, but those excuses do not cut it for me. I grew up with a really crappy childhood and most statistics would say that I should probably be into drugs, etc. by the way I grew up. Have some respect for yourself is all I have to say. It's ridiculous. If you do not respect

I need to be doing that, but I'm doing this.

If you're reading this, tell me... did my title reel you in? Haha. No, no lady in White Hall won 1,000,000 on a scratch off ticket. Sorry, hah.  Really, it's just a beautiful day and I felt like writing. However, what I really need to be doing is homework, so I can go outside and enjoy the nice weather AND have no homework to do tomorrow when I go see Lori! Initially I had some really good thoughts, which is why I even decided to write, but somehow they slipped my mind. Ah.. One thing, or person should I say, that I wanted to write about was Everett. Not so much him, but the different reactions that I have heard that kind of disgust me in a way. It has only been a few people, but still... Any of you that know Ev, know how he passed away, but to most of us (like myself) it does not matter because he was still Everett. I have heard people say, "Why in the world would he do something like that!?" .. Another person said, "It was bound to happen." There have al

"That's a cute kitty!"

1. Ellen Degeneres is on right now, so that is why I have a strange blog title. 2. Do you ever randomly look out your window & see someone walking and think, "Fool, I don't know you." Just happened. 3. Extra Delights Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream gum, does NOT taste like a delicious bowl of ice cream. 4. My grandma is downstairs cheering, "Put your hands up! Put your hands up!" Pretty for sure she is cheering to the dogs. Oh well. I can't remember when I stopped drinking soda. I know it was a little bit before New Year's, SO I am going to say it has officially been a month since I quit & I'm still going strong. Due to my awesomeness, I decided to cut sweets out of my diet. I realized that I was compensating soda with sweets, so I was in fact losing. I bought the Extra Delights gum to kick my sweets craving... I think I'll be spending a lot of money on gum. Ah! I cannot wait until Friday! I get to see one of my favorite people; miss